Wednesday, May 25, 2005


I was chatting with my good friend Reese the Law Girl yesterday. Chatting is probably not a good word to use. She was telling me some minor detail of her life and I was laughing uproariously. This is usually how our conversations go, which is amazing considering we speak multiple times a day. Anyway sometime after my sides stopped hurting Reese made a very troubling statement. She was pleased that I had started a blog (even though at the time the only post I had was Does this thing Work?). Reese couldn't wait to read what I wrote and said "This is going to be sooooooo cool. I can't wait!"

I immediately realized that certain steps would need to be taken. For those of you who don't know Reese the Law Girl, she maintains a VERY funny blog called SOMETHING DIFFERENT. She constantly writes little articles about the most mundane things like her morning commute and turns it into an Oscar worthy Zen drama. Many people visit her blog who are also funny and maintain even funnier blogs of their own like Jerk from Jerk of all Trades whose blog is just great. From time to time when these people are extremely bored they may want to stop in at this blog. On the oft chance that anyone is EVER bored enough to read this thing I take a page from Reese and make the following disclaimer.

ATTENTION ALL POTENTIAL READERS: I am NOT funny. I will not make you laugh out loud. I probably won't even make you giggle. No one is going to be wondering what you are reading while you are checking out this blog. I doubt you will even crack a smile. If you are expecting vast amounts of humorous creative comments, STOP READING NOW or you will be sadly disappointed. I am not nearly as funny as Reese. I am not creative either. I couldn't even come up with a name for this blog without her. Come to think about it my display name is based off a series of articles about me that Reese wrote. My name is not Lisa or anything resembling Lisa. As stated in my blog description I am merely being a loser copycat by even creating this blog. I have no vast storage of original articles just waiting to spew forth in a wave of comic genius. The best you can hope for is a "huh. That was interesting" while reading this blog. And quite frankly even that will be a rarity. Come to think about it the more I write the more I wonder why I even started this blog. This stupid disclaimer took me fifteen minutes to write by it’s self. What am I going to do when I have to put actual posts up? People are already commenting and I haven't even written anything yet! I can't take this kind of pressure! So please people no comparisons. Expect very very little from this blog and you might (I emphasize the might) walk away happy. And if you are disappointed after reading this, well I told you to stop reading several lines ago. You have no one to blame but yourself!


Reese The Law Girl said...

OMG! That was funny!

I'm serious it was. Just don't be a slave to the funny and it will come naturally. ;)

"Lisa" said...

Isn't it sweet when friends throw other friends crumbs of praise. You know what you were really thinking

Reese: Glad that girl knows her place but let me throw her a bone.

"Lisa": Reese thinks I am a little funny. My blog isn't just a useless waste of kilobytes!!

You know it's true.

"Lisa" said...

FYI thinking the post is funny sort of defeats the purpose of the post.

Reese The Law Girl said...

ROTFL!! OMG! We are all going to have such a great time on this blog. ;)

Reese The Law Girl said...

But, it was funny. Sorrryyy. ;p

LeslyePJ said...

yay for blogs! (and it was funny)

KOM said...

My expectations have been suitably lowered.

But I did laugh.

Now I'm confused.

Desiree said...

Yup, you're funny too!

Can YOU post about whats going on with you and Mike then???